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Chapter 1 Assignment - Client Side Scripting
For MSBTE Diploma CO / IT / AIML Branch
Chapter 1 – Basics of Java Script
1. Define scripting language. What is the important of using an scripting
2. Describe any 6 features of JavaScript.
3. Write a java script program to display your name.
4. Define the following terms: a) Object name b) Method c) Property
5. Explain the types of values used in java script.
6. List any 6 keywords used in java script.
7. Write a java script program to add two numbers.
8. Write a program to print out the grade according to the students marks. (e.g.
Grade A for 90+ , Grade B for 80 – 90 etc. )
9. Write a program to print even numbers between 1 to 100 . Use HTML tables
to insert the data.
10.Explain while and do…while loop with the help of an example.
11.Describe break and continue statement with the help of an example.
12.Write a program to create a alert box in java script.
13.Explain if..else concept with the help of a program.
14.Write a program to take input from user and check whether number is prime
or not.
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