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Chapter 2 Assignment - Client Side Scripting
For MSBTE Diploma CO / IT / AIML Branch
Chapter 2 – Array, Function & String
1. Define array. How to declare and initialize array in java script ?
2. How to define array and find out the length of the array ?
3. How to display array elements using loop ?
4. How to add elements in an array ? Explain with the help of an example.
5. How to combine two array ?
6. Explain the following methods with the help of an example.
a. shift()
b. push()
c. pop()
7. Define function. How to define function in java script with the help of an
8. Describe function with argument and without argument with the help of an
9. Explain scope of variable with the help of an example.
10.How to call function from HTML ?
11.Define string. Write a program to use 5 methods of string in java script.
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