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Chapter 6 Assignment - Client Side Scripting

For MSBTE Diploma CO / IT / AIML Branch

Chapter 6 – Menus, Navigation & Webpage Protection

1.Describe text rollover with the help of an example.
2.Write a program to create a banner with three images and set urls for all
3. Write a program to create a slide show in java script. Use two button to
slide images from left to right.
4.Write a java script program for folding tree menu.
5.List types of menu used in java script . Explain any one of them.
6.Write a java script function that disables the right click button.
7.Describe frameworks of java script and its applications.
8. Write a java script program that will create a pull-down menu with three
options . Once the user selects any options they will redirect to a specific

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